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Author: Amy Coates Madsen


Upholding Fundraising Standards and Ethics

The Standards for Excellence Institute has been following a news story in Baton Rouge that raises important questions related to best practices in governance and management of nonprofit charitable resources, and provides a sharp example of the importance of embracing best practices, as articulated in the Standards for Excellence: An Ethics and Accountability Code for the Nonprofit Sector.[…]
By Amy Coates Madsen | June 27, 2018 Read More>

Foundations Reduce Uncertainty in Grantmaking

This article was originally published on the Grants Managers Network (GMN) Blog on March 1, 2017. Amy Coates Madsen, Director of the Standards for Excellence Institute®, is presenting at the GMN 12th Annual Conference on March 20, 2017 in Hollywood, CA. Click here to read more about her session, "Embracing the Best Practices: How Grantmakers Are Using the Standards for Excellence® in their Capacity Building and Due Diligence Efforts." As a foundation executive you have a multitude of nonprofits[…]
By Amy Coates Madsen | March 05, 2017 Read More>

Make a New Year’s Resolution to Strengthen Your Nonprofit

Happy New Year! There are so many things that mark the beginning of the calendar year for me. Choosing or designing a new calendar, enjoying the holiday decorations for a few more days (or perhaps, weeks) after the rush of the holidays is behind us, and generally, having that feeling of a fresh start. There are symbols of “fresh starts” all around. Setting goals for the year, renewing commitments to exercise, getting enough sleep, eating better and taking those vitamins—these are all things that[…]
By Amy Coates Madsen | January 24, 2017 Read More>

IRS Advisory Committee on Tax Exempt and Governmental Entities Releases 2016 Report

In 2014, it was my honor to accept an appointment to the Internal Revenue Service’s Advisory Committee on Tax Exempt and Government Entities (the ACT). ACT members are appointed by the Secretary of the Treasury and advise the IRS on issues impacting tax exempt organizations and government entities. The ACT includes external stakeholders and representatives who deal with employee retirement plans; tax-exempt organizations; tax-exempt bonds; federal, state, local and Indian tribal governments. My[…]
By Amy Coates Madsen | June 09, 2016 Read More>

Legal Compliance and Ethics

The following post was written by Issela Sono, Nonprofit Management and Governance Intern at the Standards for Excellence Institute®. Issela has volunteered in various nonprofit organizations in the Maryland and Washington, DC area while pursuing her undergraduate studies in Global Business and Public Policy. Issela is certified in Nonprofit Management from Duke University and is currently pursuing a M.B.A., with a concentration in Public Management, at Hood College. News coverage about fraud in[…]
By Amy Coates Madsen | August 18, 2015 Read More>
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