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Keeping Your Board on Track

What resolutions have you made to give your nonprofit a fresh start in 2009? Maintaining a well-functioning, motivated board is probably somewhere near the top. Absent, unmotivated board members, who fail to participate in governing the organization, could be keeping you from doing this. Addressing noncompliant board members can be a challenge. It is difficult to reprimand veteran board members or ask them to step down. The Standards for Excellence® recommends that boards put certain practices into place to help you prevent and address noncompliance with board policies. All nonprofits should institute term limits to facilitate board renewal. Routinely evaluating individual board members will create opportunities to acknowledge contributions and to discuss problems. Orienting board members to their expectations, and providing these expectations in writing is another proactive measure. Including a process to address noncompliance in these written policies is essential. Having this process in writing will ensure that you will have it when you need it. Did you know? Our educational resource packet, “Financial Policies” includes a sample purchasing policy. The packet is free and available to Standards for Excellence Institute® members. It is available through the members only section of our website. Hard copies are also available upon request. Bookmark and Share
By SuperUser Account | February 12, 2009 |
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