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Rosann Wisman


Bethesda, MD 20816


 Rosann Wisman

Rosann Wisman is the founder of WismanGroup, dedicated to executive coaching and consulting for leadership and growth. After many years of working in executive positions and serving in volunteer leadership roles on boards of non-profit organizations, she is committed to helping similar groups and their leaders as a coach, consultant, facilitator, advisor, and strategist.

Rosann has successfully led several nonprofit organizations, including those with major national and international programs as well as start-ups. She directed Planned Parenthood affiliates around the country, including 15 years as President and CEO of Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan Washington DC .

The organizations that she has led focused primarily on improving health systems and outcomes. In addition to Planned Parenthood, she was the executive director of a non-profit dedicated to enhancing the quality of preclinical biomedical research. At the Aspen Institute, she directed the Ministerial Leadership Initiative for Global Health to build health systems and advance country ownership in developing countries and previously served as the first executive director of the Accordia Global Health Foundation, an organization dedicated to fighting infectious diseases by building the clinical and research capacity of academic medical institutions in Africa. She lived in Japan for two years where she was a Senior Advocacy Advisor for Population Action International.

Rosann’s commitment to coaching emerged from her first-hand understanding, as a CEO and executive director, of the pressures inherent in leading a mission-driven, non-profit organization. She appreciates the unique role a coach can provide as a sounding board and source of support to a leader working to balance the many demands of the position, including fundraising, financial and personnel management, program strategy, design, and implementation, and board governance and engagement.

Rosann is a graduate of Georgetown University’s Institute for Transformational Leadership and is an ACC (Associate Certified Coach) with the International Coach Federation. She is a licensed consultant with the Standards for Excellence Institute, a program dedicated to increasing excellence in non-profit leadership and management. Rosann holds an MS in Public Health.