Happy New Year!
As nonprofit leaders we often start a new year with good intentions. We decide that this is the year that we get it all together. We are going to focus on the fundamentals of our organization. We are going to make sure we have the right board members and that they are working together effectively. We are going to focus carefully on our budgets and finances. This is the year where we truly take a careful look at diversity, equity, and inclusion. We are going to do “all the things.”
But wait! How can we do all that? Where do we even start?
The answer:
Start with the Standards for Excellence free online self-assessment.
Working through this assessment will allow you to carefully walk through a list of nonprofit best practices and determine areas that need some work.
Start your new year off with this important first step towards building capacity, accountability, and sustainability in your nonprofit.
Start your FREE online self-assessment NOW
More information:
Standards for Excellence accreditation
Where to get help: Licensed Consultants