For many of you, spring cleaning involves focusing on the fundamentals of your organization, intentionally dusting off your policies and procedures, checking in on your organization’s health, and putting plans in place. Plans to ensure you have the right set of board members who are working together effectively. Plans to spend time focused on your finances and budgets. Plans to truly look closely at diversity, equity, and inclusion in your organization.
The perfect way to start this process is with the Standards for Excellence self-assessment.
Doing this free, online assessment will help you clear out some cobwebs, allow you to focus on best practices, and start you on a clean path to building capacity, accountability, and sustainability in your organization.
After completing the assessment, you will have a detailed, actionable, professional, polished report, with links to resources, to share with your leadership and guide you forward.
Start your spring cleaning now with the free Standards for Excellence online self-assessment.
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