Fostering Resilience Through the Standards for Excellence®

May 10, 2021

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According to the National Council of Nonprofits, the COVID-19 pandemic has turned many nonprofit conversations from sustainability to survivability.  Different estimates forecast that up to a third of nonprofit organizations may not survive the financial crisis and economic downturn caused by the pandemic.  Now, more than ever, it is important for nonprofit organizations to remain focused on their mission and follow best practices to ensure their long-term sustainability. 

If I have learned anything from the six years that I have had the honor of serving on the National Standards for Excellence Council, the body that oversees The Standards for Excellence: An Ethics and Accountability Code for the Nonprofit Sector and its accreditation process, I have learned that The Standards for Excellence continues to provide the most effective roadmap to ensure nonprofit resilience, survivability and sustainability. As we continue to navigate through an uncertain future, I encourage nonprofit leaders to:

  1. Evaluate your current practices. The Standards for Excellence Organizational Assessment and Planning tool provides an excellent snapshot of your strengths and weaknesses and can help you identify areas where you can improve your knowledge and application of best practices. It is also a useful tool to track your progress as you make improvements.
  2. Commit to following The Standards. It is the journey to apply the Standards for Excellence that offers the best opportunity for learning, growth and resilience. If your organization is struggling, look to the Standards for Excellence for sustainability and collaboration. They will guide you in the right direction.
  3. Eat the elephant “one bite at a time.” While pursuing accreditation may seem daunting, don’t let what appears like the “enormity of the task” dissuade you from trying.  Focus on one component of the Standards for Excellence code at a time and give yourself a realistic schedule to accomplish it.  You will find that you can make significant progress reasonably quickly if you commit to doing one thing at a time by a deadline.
  4. Don’t strive for perfection. Your nonprofit does not have to be perfect in every way to achieve accreditation. In fact, “perfect can be the enemy of good” if you spend a lot of time and energy attempting to perfectly implement every standard.  The staff and peer review processes often provide useful feedback, so there is value in applying when you are “close,” even if you don’t feel that you have everything in place perfectly.
  5. Seek help from a Standards for Excellence Licensed Consultant. This can provide a great “value add” to your organization, especially with components of the Standards you have never done before. An experienced consultant can educate your board and staff and help you establish a new process following The Standards saving time and decreasing the frustration of doing it yourself when lacking experience.

For more information about The Standards for Excellence®, engaging a Licensed Consultant, or to learn about applying to earn the Seal of Excellence so that your organization can strengthen its resilience, sustainability and survivability, visit the Standards for Excellence Institute website.

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