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6 Best Practices: Is Your Nonprofit Staff Training Effective?

Hire for passion and intensity; there is training for everything else. - Nolan Bushnell, technology pioneer Salsa Labs' Rebecca Wyatt recently wrote a blog as part of their recent series on nonprofit training. According to Ms. Wyatt, “a well-developed training program is a worthwhile investment which will improve the overall outcomes of your organization.” Citing the Harvard Business Review: Dissatisfaction with some employee-development efforts appears to fuel many early exits...[Workers are] not getting much in the way of formal development, such as training, mentoring, and coaching—things they...value highly.


According to the 2014 Nonprofit Employment Practices Survey, 1 in 5 nonprofits indicated that high turnover has been their biggest employment challenge. While 19% of organizations identify the inability to promote or advance top performing staff as their main challenge. “Taking your training program to the next level can take years to complete but incremental changes - even for the smallest of the small nonprofits - can deliver monumental long-term results.” Click here to read the full blog post and a list of best practices to get you started.
By SuperUser Account | November 18, 2014 |
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