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Erin McDermott

New Roots Advisors

Challis, ID 83226


Erin McDermott wasn't sure how to use her poli sci degree from Saint Mary's College of Maryland when she graduated in 2010 but driven by her core values of community, organization, and sustainability, she found her calling in the nonprofit sector. Over the past 15 years, Erin has seamlessly transitioned between organizations, including Accion, Habitat for Humanity, and Friends of Red Rock Canyon. No matter where she goes, her unwavering dedication and astute work ethic shine through as she passionately advocates for causes close to her heart, such as conservation, micro-finance, equity, and access. Amidst the challenges of the pandemic, Erin completed her master's degree in urban leadership from the University of Nevada - Las Vegas. Currently serving as a director for a start-up tech firm, she has recently launched her nonprofit consultancy, looking to expand her impact further. In her free time, Erin enjoys cooking, hiking with her dogs and husband, and striving to improve the world.