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Mary M. Jalonick

Dallas, Texas


Following thirty years as President & CEO of The Dallas Foundation, Mary Jalonick retired from The Foundation December 31, 2017.  The Foundations was established in 1929 as a community foundation to provide a way for Dallas citizens to make gifts and bequests, the income from which would primarily support the charitable causes of the city and county of Dallas, Texas.

During her tenure at The Dallas Foundation, Mary was a founding member of the Woman’s Philanthropy Institute.  The mission of the Institute is to educate, inspire and empower women at every stage of their philanthropic journey. In December of 2018, the Board of Governors of The Dallas Foundation announced the establishment of the Mary M. Jalonick Women’s Philanthropy Institute Endowment

Currently, Mary is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Marilyn Brachman Hoffman Foundation, the Dallas College Foundation, Social Venture Partners–Dallas, Early Matters Dallas, and a Director of the Lyda Hill Foundation.  Mary is also a member of the Advisory Council of the RGK Center for Philanthropy and Community Service at the LBJ School of Public Affairs, at the University of Texas in Austin and the Executive Board of Southern Methodist University’s SMU in Taos Program.

Mary has chaired the boards of The Hockaday School, Girl’s Adventure Trails, Educational Opportunities, Charter 100, and Philanthropy Advocates (previously known as Texas Education Grantmakers Advocacy Consortium)

While President and CEO of The Dallas Foundation, Mary participated in several initiatives of the Council on Foundations including the National Standards Action Team and was an instructor for the “Community Foundations Fundamentals Course” presented by the Center for Community Foundations Excellence.

Mary also is a past member of the Transatlantic Community Foundation Network established by the Bertelsmann Foundation in Germany.  The TCFN provided a platform for the exchange of experience and expertise among community foundations on both sides of the Atlantic seeking to identify good practice and sharing it with emerging and existing community foundations in Eastern Europe.

Mary is a Standards for Excellence Licensed Consultant for the Nonprofit Impact Institute with Social Venture Partners Dallas (SVP Dallas). For more information on the Nonprofit Impact Institute, please contact