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Mothyna James-Brightful


Columbia, MD 21044


Mothyna James-Brightful is described as “energetic, passionate and inspirational” by clients. Affectionately known as Sister Mothyna, she has over 17 years of experience in the non-profit sector. Starting as a Community Educator, she closed her career as an employee with ten years as a director on the senior leadership team with a proven track record for curating cohesive teams.    

Sister Mothyna co-founded Heal a Woman to Heal a Nation, Inc (HWHN) in 2004. HWHN focused on serving women and reached over 2 million individuals before formally closing its doors in 2021. In recognition of her works, she has appeared in publications such as The Daily Record, Ebony Magazine, Be What I Want to Be Magazine, and The Afro-American Newspapers.

She is the author of the Amazon Bestseller Engage Inspire Prevent: Strategies for Educating Teens on Sexual Violence and co-author of Speak Up: The Ultimate Guide to Dominate the Speaking Industry.

Currently, Sister Mothyna is working with social impact organizations to increase understanding and reduce opposition as CEO of MeRISE. MeRISE is a consulting, coaching, and development company. Our unique genius is public speaking, presentation skills, storytelling, highly engaging facilitation, and transformational team experiences. Leaders work with Mothyna when they are ready to transition from mediocre to magnetic in leadership development, managing teams, public awareness, and engagement.