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Sunmoluwa Hamilton-Samuel

HSID Consulting

Silver Spring, MD 20904


Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

CEO & Principal, HSID Consulting Project Leader and Co-Facilitator
Sunmoluwa is an organization development and DEIB consultant with a talent for learning organizations and working with them to design better futures. She works thoughtfully with clients to create solutions and evolve beyond challenges. Her work experience spans both the academic and nonprofit sectors, specializing in the education and arts-based sectors.  

Data Gathering & Strategic Analysis
Sunmoluwa has led assessment efforts to evaluate the organizational health and fitness of different institutions supporting strategic planning, organizational culture, and diversity, equity, inclusion, & belonging (DEIB) initiatives. These experiences have included large and small organizations and involved data collection at multiple levels of an organization.

Approaching all aspects of her work through an equity lens, Sunmoluwa takes care to create opportunities for all levels of the organization to be included in the data gathering process and facilitates feedback opportunities to capture the voice of the institution most accurately.

Strategic Planning and Program Development
Using data-driven techniques and organization development principles, Sunmoluwa has worked with leaders to streamline organizational processes, co-created strategic planning, and visioning retreats, coordinate, and facilitate DEIB learning sessions, and develop and organize youth programs for schools and arts-based organizations.  

When standing up committees and task forces for organizational initiatives, Sunmoluwa supports, empowers, and galvanizes teams to champion the implementation of initiatives. She has facilitated the implementation of institutional initiatives regarding School-Culture and Climate, Academic and Curriculum Review, COVID-19 Safety Strategy, Program Development, and DEIB strategy.

As a consultant, Sunmoluwa has worked with senior leaders to develop more effective leadership skills through the facilitation of leadership training and coaching.

Education & Background
Sunmolu holds an M.S. in Organization Development from American University and earned a B.S. in Education from North Carolina State University. Sunmoluwa has a background of over 18 years of experience working in the Performance Art sector. She is a performing/teaching artist in theater and dance in the DC Metropolitan Area.