Paris Webster

Baltimore, MD 21202

Paris Samone, based in Baltimore City is a Medicine Wombman, that blesses whomever or whatever she touches. She has been called many names and given many different roles. The Wombman Who Runs With The Children, Blessed Hands, Medicine, Artist, Teacher, Visionary, Community Mama and the newest; Milk Mama. Paris partners with Community Centers around Baltimore City to provide programming for youth, parents and staff under her Non-Profit, W.I.N. (What I Needed). The programming is based on needs of the community, focusing on the youth of tomorrow. First providing a safe space. After a safe space has been created, she will begin with building structure, creating lesson plans, organizing projects etc. Programing will provide tools to assist in healthy communication and problem-solving skills. Teaching to recognize and release trauma, Art therapy to assist others in seeing themselves for the God’s they are. Providing Healing Sessions, Mindfulness and meditation sessions. Focusing on a Montessori approach to learning to provide life skills that our city youth lack. Paris has the skills of:  Program Director, Youth Coordinator, Safe Space Creator, Listener, Mama, Pyrography Artist, Henna Artist, Canvas Artist, Wall Murals Art, Nutrient Dense Cooking Teacher, Jewelry Maker, Helper, Creator, Tattoo Artist, Decorator plus many more. Working with 30-40 youth a day. Paris Samone has successfully completed training:  CPR, Introduction to Adverse Childhood Experiences, Youth & Technology Training, Puberty and Adolescent Training, Youth Development Programing, Principals of PYD Training, Youth Voice and Engagement Training, Youth Work Ethics Trainings, Youth Work Competencies, Optum Health Education Training, Naloxone Training, Vicarious Trauma and Building Resiliency Training, Seeing Beyond the Picture Training, Mandated Reporter Training, Suicide Prevention Training.