Standards for Excellence Institute > Bio
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Thomas Schliep

Grand Rapids, Michigan 49525

   (248)-379-3891 |

Thomas Schliep is a naturally adventurous and inquisitive soul with deep passions for people, travel, and the improvement of the human condition. Combining these is where his greatest joys and sense of fulfillment have peaked. Having traveled to many parts of our world to learn and live in the shoes of another, he carries a unique sense of human tragedy, beauty, need, and hope. Armed with this outlook, he is driven by a call for universal human flourishing and actively seeks an effective utilization of his combination of life, business, and Christian experience.   


He has had the privilege of working within faith-based organizations (FBOs), such as congregational houses of worship, house church relational networks, and an international Christian education development organization, where he served as both faculty and administrative liaison. With extensive experience in the for-profit business sector both international and domestic he is pleased to be making a mid-life shift toward a greater purpose. He is currently focused on expanding this experience to a broad range of cause-driven mission sectors focused on human service engagement.


He looks forward to the active learning, personal growth, mission advancement, and special relationships made possible through his interaction and training with like-minded souls working to make a difference and The Standards for Excellence Institute.