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Courtney Workman

Empower Consulting Group

7531 Swan Point Way
Columbia, MD 21045

   240.277.9787  |

Courtney Workman is the President of Empower Consulting Group, LLC.  She specializes in helping small to mid-size non-profits raise, manage and steward funds more effectively, enhance board governance practices, and implement quick program start-ups (especially in response to Federal funding).  She has an extensive background in organizations working with individuals marginalized in public programs including:  women, youth (and at-risk youth), non-English speaking persons, individuals with disabilities and incarcerated (or formerly) incarcerated individuals. ECG is headquartered in Columbia, MD and experienced in consulting virtually with agencies.  Ms. Workman holds a MA in Public Management and Social Policy, and a BA in Anthropology and Women’s Studies from the University of Maryland –College Park.