About the Standards for Excellence

The Standards for Excellence Institute offers a set of resources for strengthening nonprofits across the United States. The resources address nonprofit organizational governance, management, policies and procedures, and legal compliance at any stage of a nonprofit’s lifecycle.

The Standards for Excellence program consists of a list of nonprofit established practices, divided into these categories:

  • Mission, Strategy, and Evaluation
  • Leadership: Board, Staff, and Volunteers
  • Ethics and Legal
  • Finance and Operations
  • Resource Development
  • Public Awareness, Engagement, and Advocacy

These practices are documented in the Standards for Excellence: An Ethics and Accountability Code for the Nonprofit Sector (the Standards for Excellence code).

Nonprofits work to “meet the standards” or “implement the code” by evaluating their organization against each one of the best practices listed in the Standards for Excellence code. Some nonprofits go “above and beyond” by working towards Standards for Excellence Accreditation or Recognition.

Standards for Excellence Seal Accredited

Standards for Excellence Seal Accredited Basics Enhanced

Standards for Excellence Seal Accredited Basics

The Standards for Excellence Code

View the code

Accreditation and Recognition

Learn about Accreditation and Recognition

Educational Resource Packets

Educational Resource Packets

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