Nonprofit Blog - Standards for Excellence Institute
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How Excellent Is Your Program Evaluation?

Nonprofit program evaluation refers to the process of gathering data about a service or program an organization offers to determine its effectiveness. Nonprofits that thoroughly and strategically evaluate their programs show a commitment to the communities they serve by identifying their successes and challenges. More and more charitable donors now expect to see an evaluation plan in the programs they fund. The Standards for Excellence: An Ethics and Accountability Code for the Nonprofit[…]
By Susan Larsen | May 16, 2016 Read More>

Sealholder Spotlight: Public Justice Center

 The Public Justice Center was founded in 1985 as a nonprofit legal advocacy organization. Since its inception the PJC has been focused on systemic change through legal services. The PJC’s efforts focus on confronting unjust laws, practices and institutions, particularly those affecting people living in poverty. The PJC takes a dynamic approach to systemic change by functioning as a legal services office as well as a policy campaign leader, and a community action partner to attack systemic[…]
By Kayleigh Harper | April 20, 2016 Read More>

Legal Compliance and Ethics

The following post was written by Issela Sono, Nonprofit Management and Governance Intern at the Standards for Excellence Institute®. Issela has volunteered in various nonprofit organizations in the Maryland and Washington, DC area while pursuing her undergraduate studies in Global Business and Public Policy. Issela is certified in Nonprofit Management from Duke University and is currently pursuing a M.B.A., with a concentration in Public Management, at Hood College. News coverage about fraud in[…]
By Amy Coates Madsen | August 18, 2015 Read More>

Join the Standards for Excellence Institute at Upcoming Alliance for Nonprofit Management Webinar 5/20/14

Ethics, Standards and Accreditation: The Impact on Nonprofit Organizations Join the Standards for Excellence Institute and the Alliance for Nonprofit Management for a special webinar/briefing to learn about updates and changes to the Standards for[…]
By Susan Larsen | October 20, 2014 Read More>

Celebrating and Deliberating over Right versus Right Decisions

The ethics field lost a giant last week when Rushworth Kidder, President and Founder of the Institute for Global Ethics in Rockport, Maine passed way in Naples Florida.While I am sorry to say that I never personally met Rush, I was an avid reader of his publications and works and I often cited a quote from his writings.  My favorite Rushworth Kidder quote was:“…because nonprofits have an obligation to do the right things-often wrenching choices among competing priorities, and having to ask what[…]
By Susan Larsen | March 19, 2013 Read More>

Keeping Your Work Ethical, Accountable, and Above Board

 Recent news about the bankruptcy filing at Baltimore Behavioral Health Center is a startling and disturbing example of what can go wrong when nonprofits don’t do all that they can to keep their work ethical, accountable, and above board.The story reads like a “how to get your name in the paper” manual: allegations like blatant instances of conflicts of interest, related individuals that were both board members and staff members, hiring practices that did not screen for individuals on federal[…]
By Susan Larsen | February 26, 2013 Read More>

Is it time to consider telecommuting for your nonprofit? By Amanda Mummert

With super storms crashing through the region, hurricane season just behind us, and winter looming ahead, it occurred to me how much productivity an organization could gain if their staff worked from home. What if employees were already telecommuting when a physical office closed due to snow or power outage? What if the groundwork was laid so that, in case of emergency, an employee could telecommute from any location? If this were the case, work could continue despite issues that may be[…]
By Susan Larsen | December 17, 2012 Read More>

Gifts with Strings and Friends in Low Places

Garth Brooks sings about his less-than-reputable buddies in his popular country song, “Friends in Low Places.” It is hard to determine whose reputation appeared more sullied in Mr. Brooks’ recent headlining activities – himself or the nonprofit hospital which he sued for apparently not following his wishes.Recently, a jury in Oklahoma ordered the Integris Canadian Valley Hospital, to which Garth Brooks had made a $500,000 donation, to refund his contribution plus punitive damages because the[…]
By Susan Larsen | April 11, 2012 Read More>
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