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Articles for category Fundraising

Is it time to consider telecommuting for your nonprofit? By Amanda Mummert

With super storms crashing through the region, hurricane season just behind us, and winter looming ahead, it occurred to me how much productivity an organization could gain if their staff worked from home. What if employees were already telecommuting when a physical office closed due to snow or power outage? What if the groundwork was laid so that, in case of emergency, an employee could telecommute from any location? If this were the case, work could continue despite issues that may be[…]
By Susan Larsen | December 17, 2012 Read More>

Gifts with Strings and Friends in Low Places

Garth Brooks sings about his less-than-reputable buddies in his popular country song, “Friends in Low Places.” It is hard to determine whose reputation appeared more sullied in Mr. Brooks’ recent headlining activities – himself or the nonprofit hospital which he sued for apparently not following his wishes.Recently, a jury in Oklahoma ordered the Integris Canadian Valley Hospital, to which Garth Brooks had made a $500,000 donation, to refund his contribution plus punitive damages because the[…]
By Susan Larsen | April 11, 2012 Read More>
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