Nonprofit Blog - Standards for Excellence Institute
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Articles for category Strategic Planning


2016 Class of Standards for Excellence Licensed Nonprofit Consultants

The Standards for Excellence Institute, an initiative designed to help nonprofit organizations operate more ethically and accountably, announces its 2016 Class of Licensed Consultants. Recently completing the intensive, three-day training, class members are now licensed in every aspect of the Standards for Excellence program and are capable of assisting nonprofits nationwide. Standards for Excellence Licensed Consultants use their new, extensive knowledge of the multi-faceted initiative to help[…]
By Susan Larsen | December 09, 2016 Read More>

Accredited Alabama Nonprofits Receive Local Grant Funds

The Community Foundation of Northeast Alabama hosted a reception to recognize 14 organizations who will share more than $250,000 from a local grant fund, reports the Anniston Star. Three of the organizations have been accredited by the Standards for Excellence program through a partnership with the Community Foundation and the Alabama Association of Nonprofits, a Standards for Excellence Replication Partner. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northeast Alabama will use the resources to support a[…]
By Susan Larsen | December 05, 2016 Read More>

The Board’s Mission (should they choose to accept it): Empower Their Nonprofit CEO

    The following post Nonprofit CEO blog post was written by Standards for Excellence Licensed Consultant David Kubacki and is part of our “Ten Years of Advancing Excellence” blog series, celebrating ten years of the Standards for Excellence Licensed Consultant program. David, the principal of ViaDel Consulting Group, has provided organizational consulting services to several nonprofits with a focus on working with boards and committees on strategic planning and program assessment and[…]
By David Kubacki | September 28, 2016 Read More>

Pennsylvania's Standards for Excellence - A Video!

The Standards for Excellence Institute would like to congratulate Replication Partner Pennsylvania Association of Nonprofit Organizations (PANO) on the success of their recent annual conference, "The Art of Courageous Risk-Taking." The Standards for Excellence was front and center throughout the conference activities. We are delighted to share this video that was a highlight at the conference, and  features organizations that have participated in PANO's Standards for Excellence program. Each[…]
By Susan Larsen | September 23, 2016 Read More>

Nonprofit Board Effectiveness: Making Every Board Better by Modelling and Monitoring a Culture of Integrity

The following post about nonprofit board effectiveness was written by Standards for Excellence Licensed Consultant Bill Musick and is part of our “Ten Years of Advancing Excellence” blog series, celebrating ten years of the Standards for Excellence Licensed Consultant program. Bill is certified in Healthcare Compliance and Healthcare Privacy Compliance, and certified as a Governance Trainer by BoardSource.  He has presented nationally, and is a contributing author to: YOU and Your Nonprofit[…]
By Bill Musick | September 13, 2016 Read More>

Know Any Nonprofit Experts? Nominate Them For Our Ethics Standards Committee

We are currently seeking a few nonprofit experts to serve as members of our National Ethics Standards Committee. The National Ethics Standards Committee is charged with overseeing the Accreditation and Recognition Program of the Standards for Excellence Institute, a project of Maryland Nonprofits. The Committee’s main roles and responsibilities include: Providing advice and guidance to staff regarding the periodic review and evaluation of the application policies, procedures, and[…]
By Susan Larsen | September 12, 2016 Read More>

NANOE: New Guidelines for Tomorrow’s Nonprofit – A Review

This NANOE review originally appeared on Maryland Nonprofits blog. Read the original post at Nonprofit leaders who haven’t found the time to make their way through the 111-page nonprofit manifesto released by the National Association of Nonprofit Organizations & Executives (NANOE) will be forgiven. No worries, I am here for you. I present to you a high-level overview and a short review.There has been some puzzlement and a lot of questions about emails that started[…]
By Melissa Sines | September 07, 2016 Read More>

Back to Basics: Charity Transparency, Trust, and the Board

The following post about charity transparency was written by Standards for Excellence Licensed Consultant Carmen Marshall and is part of our “Ten Years of Advancing Excellence” blog series, celebrating ten years of the Standards for Excellence Licensed Consultant program. Carmen specializes in performance improvement, ideation and execution, communications, marketing, organizational development, training and executive coaching. As a management consultant, Carmen has helped numerous leaders,[…]
By Carmen Marshall | August 17, 2016 Read More>

Sealholder Spotlight: Families Helping Families of Northeast Louisiana

Families Helping Families of Northeast Louisiana is a nonprofit organization focused on providing a network of supportive services to disabled individuals and their families. Disabilities include physical, mental, emotional, behavioral, and/or learning disabilities. By connecting families that have similar experiences, Families Helping Families of Northeast Louisiana provides a channel for first-hand advice, knowledge, and information. Families Helping Families of Northeast Louisiana has been[…]
By Marion McCool | August 15, 2016 Read More>

Sealholder Spotlight: DuPagePADS

DuPagePads is an organization committed to ending homelessness in DuPage County, Illinois. Founded in 1985, the agency focuses its efforts on creating a change in people's lives that will lead to self-sufficiency by providing interim and permanent housing to individuals and families in addition to supportive services. By providing resources that assist individuals in receiving life coaching as well as employment opportunities, DuPagePads helps to successfully put an end to the cycle of[…]
By Marion McCool | July 27, 2016 Read More>
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