- Conservation Easements – the main component of their work to permanently conserve land;
- Monitoring – an essential component of conserving land in perpetuity;
- Stewardship – working with landowners for positive conservation outcomes;
- Eco Services – assessing properties for conservation values and helping landowners enhance the conservation value of their land;
- Fundraising – assuring the ability of the land trust to preserve land in perpetuity;
- Education – educating about natural and conservation resources of the land;
- Public Preserves – Acquisition, Education, Public Recreation, and Volunteer Programs.
Steven W. Carter, president of North American Land Trust, said in a statement: “We are honored to earn accreditation from such a prestigious organization like PANO, and we are particularly proud of having met all the requirements of the national Standards for Excellence accreditation program. This designation as an accredited nonprofit organization sends a powerful message of confidence to our partners and stakeholders in the many communities where we work, further demonstrating NALT’s unwavering commitment to the highest standards of organizational ethics and accountability.” Congratulations again to North American Land Trust for this noteworthy achievement. They have earned the right to proudly use the Seal of Excellence, the symbol for excellence and transparency in nonprofit management.
The Standards for Excellence Institute encourages all nonprofits to check out the Standards for Excellence code and to consider applying for accreditation or recognition. A good starting point is the free online self-assessment, which provides a detailed, actionable report, along with links to resources.