The Community Foundation of Northeast Alabama hosted a reception to recognize 14 organizations who will share more than $250,000 from a local grant fund, reports the Anniston Star. Three of the organizations have been accredited by the Standards for Excellence program through a partnership with the Community Foundation and the Alabama Association of Nonprofits, a Standards for Excellence Replication Partner.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northeast Alabama will use the resources to support a one-on-one mentoring program. Community Enabler Developer, a nonprofit providing food assistance to the community, will purchase a walk-in freezer. Both organizations became accredited through a cohort sponsored by the Community Foundation in 2014. The West Anniston Foundation became accredited in 2015 and will invest in a Farms To Families Fruits and Vegetable program.
Community Foundation officials will also recognize Anniston’s Community Actors Studio Theatre, at the reception as the newest Standards for Excellence accredited organization in the region. According to the Anniston Star, The YMCA of Calhoun County, accredited since 2014, also will receive a $2,275 Standards for Excellence grant for operations.
Jennifer S. Maddox, president and CEO of the foundation, stated in a release that “It is imperative that not-for-profits of all sizes be effective, efficient, credible and transparent as they strive to meet critical community needs… [The] Standards for Excellence provides the tools and templates that enable not-for-profit organizations to improve their policies and practices while maintaining a focus on meeting their mission.”
Each year the Community Foundation of Northeast Alabama offers training for organizations hoping to get Standards of Excellence accreditation. The next training session will be in February in Etowah County. For more information, contact Heather Lamey at 256-231-5160 Ext. 18.