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Perry Monastero

RPM Consulting Group, LLC

Boston, MA 02127


Perry has over 25 years of entrepreneurial experience in organizational structure and expansion, marketplace intelligence, and philanthropic strategies. Monastero launched his consulting firm to leverage his expertise in fundraising, grantmaking, coalition building, marketplace analysis, nonprofit governance, and strategic planning. 

Early in his career, he served in enrollment management, competitive research, and consulting roles at two large universities and a national public relations firm. As a pioneer employee, Monastero helped build the administrative systems for what is now the nation's fifth largest private funder. He then held an innovation programmatic, fundraising, and grantmaking role as the inaugural director of a community fund start-up. Next, he substantially grew the branding and revenue resources for America's fourth oldest HIV services provider and growing LGBTQ+ organization. 

Perry believes that everyone has the ability to leave a legacy in this world and that we all have a role to create change to improve our environment, locally and beyond. He values inclusion and belonging for all which he perceives unleashes tremendous creative potential to solve the problems we seek to address through the institutions we launch, nurture, and grow. He gains incredible intrinsic rewards from helping people to bring their seed ideas to fruition and from conception to operationalization.